- NBEI synd. (=non-butanol extractable iodine syndrome) 非正丁醇可提取的碘综合征
- Results:The ratio of choiceness reach 96.5% and diel not happened the vascalar and nerval synd romes. 结果:治疗88例,优良率达96.;5%25,无血管、神经并发症发生。
- Results:The ratio of choiceness reach 96.5%and diel not happened the vascalar and nerval synd romes. 结果:治疗88例,优良率达96。5%25,无血管、神经并发症发生。
- Amount of LPO was decreased in serum.Conclusion: There was evidently improving action of Guirong Buxue tablet on model of Yin-deficiency synd... 结论:该药对小鼠阴虚证模型有明显的改善作用,并能促进该模型血清SOD活力,抑制LPO的含量。
- T he results showed that the physiol ogical foundation had high excitability of sym pathetic nerve and increase of adr enal m edullary hormone in TCM synd... 结果显示中医辨证属肝火亢盛、痰热内扰、心肝肾阴虚型,其生理基础为交感神经兴奋性增高,肾上腺髓质激素分泌增加。
- Keywords high frequency oscillatory ventilation(HFOV);meconium aspiration synd rome;newborn; 高频振荡通气;胎粪吸入综合征;新生儿;
- Keywords Pneumonia;viral Severe acute respiratory synd rome SARS-associated coronavirus Serodiagnosis; 肺炎;病毒性;严重急性呼吸道综合征;SARS冠状病毒;血清学诊断;
- synd. (=syndrome) 综合征,症候群
- Chr B Synd (=chronic brain syndrome) 慢性脑综合征
- synd syndicalism 工会组织主义,工团主义(运动),职能政府论